Summer School of Veterinary Endocrinology 2018

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Mailing list activation



Dear Participant of the Summer School of Veterinary Endocrinology 2018,


The Organizing Committee  has activated a mailing list aimed to allow the exchange of information among the participants.

Specifically, the mailing list is intended as the site where attendants can ask for logistic information, either to the local organizer and to other participants. For example, the list can be used to ask for people who want to share a room at the accommodation hotels. Sharing of the room is encouraged to lower the financial impact of the course and permit everybody to stay close to the Vet School.


Logistic information pertaining the participants, including diet requirements and downloading of handouts, will be provided through the mailing list.


The mailing list includes all participants of the Summer School plus Federico Fracassi (local organizer) and as technical assistance.


If you want to send a message to the mailing list:

If you want to answer to a message of the mailing list:

  • reply to the message if you want to respond to the original sender of the message
  • reply to if you want to respond to all members of the mailing list


  • When you send a message to the mailing list your email address is shown as sender
  • If you want to be removed from the mailing list, please, send a message to
  • Usage of the mailing list is allowed only for arguments regarding Summer School of Veterinary Endocrinology 2018

Best regards


Luca Cartoceti