Summer School of Veterinary Endocrinology 2018

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Internet access at the Summer School 2018



During the Summer School of Veterinary Endocrinology 2018 you can access to internet with your laptop or smartphone by ALMAWIFI, the wireless network of the University of Bologna (UNIBO). Not only the lecture room "Messieri" is covered by the WiFi but also all the Veterinary Campus. Moreover, you can connect in all the areas of Bologna covered by the ALMAWIFI signal.


You’ll receive your assigned credentials (username and password) at your arrival at the desk registration. A technician will be available to assist you to configure your devices and connect to internet. The credentials are valid only for the duration of the summer school.


Please be aware that you need a valid document ID with photo (for example passport or driving license) because in accordance with the University regulation we must identify all users connecting to internet.


To speed up the registration procedure you may also send a scan of your document ID to we’ll send at your mailbox username and password along with instructions to connect.


Supported laptops:

  • Mac OSX
  • Windows 7 or later. Windows XP is not supported due to security reasons
  • Linux Ubuntu

Supported smartphones:

  • iPhone iOS
  • Android

Visit the webpage of the University of Bologna regarding our ALMAWIFI wireless network: you'll find details and full instructions to connect.

Access to EDUROAM WiFi

If you belong to an Institution that joined the EDUROAM project you can use your institutional's credentials to connect to our WiFi. In this case you don't need to get our username and password.


All areas covered by the ALMAWIFI wireless network are also covered by the EDUROAM wireless network. Ask your ICT administrators how to connect to the EDUROAM network.


The EDUROAM project for more details.