Summer School of Veterinary Endocrinology 2018

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Posters at the ESVE Summer School



Dear ESVE Summer School participants,


We are really looking forward to welcoming you to Bologna for the ESVE Summer School.


This email is to remind you that you are very welcome to bring an endocrine-themed scientific poster with you to display at the meeting. It can be an entirely new poster or something that has already been prepared for / presented at a different meeting. Posters can report clinical cases or research. As long as the poster has an endocrinology theme, it is fine to bring it along.


As well as organising poster display boards, for the first time this year, we are also going to offer poster presenters the (optional) opportunity to present a 1 minute ‘lightning summary’ of their poster to the Summer School delegates, just before lunch on Wednesday. This presentation will not need any slides, it will just be to introduce yourself, the topic of your poster and your main result (there won’t be any questions). The time limit will be strictly 1 minute.


This type of presentation is very helpful in connecting you with people with shared interests, and will encourage people to visit your poster. Please note that this 1 minute presentation is entirely optional but offers very good experience in scientific communication in front of a very friendly and supportive audience.


I need to know at least a week in advance (ie by 18th June) if you’d like to participate in the ‘lightning summary’ section, so that we can plan timings accordingly.


If you are planning on bringing a poster, I would be very grateful if you could email me to let me know by 18th June:

  1. Your name
  2. The title of your poster
  3. If you would like to present a 1 minute ‘lightning summary’ of your poster

Many thanks, and I look forward to seeing you in Bologna!


Best wishes,

Lucy Davison

ESVE Summer School Scientific Committee