Summer School of Veterinary Endocrinology 2018

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Diego Ferone


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Dr. Ferone is Assistant Professor at the Department of Internal Medicine & Medical Specialties, at the University of Genova (section of Endocrinology, chair Francesco Minuto), senior member and secretary of the Italian Endocrine Society (where he also served as Treasurer), past-secretary of the Italian Society of Andrology and Sexual Medicine, member of the Advisory Board of the European Neuroendocrine Tumor Society, of the ExCo of the European Neuroendocrine Association, and of several Editorial Boards, Associate Editor for the Journal of Endocrinological Investigation and for Clinical Endocrinology.


Dr. Ferone, after the degree in Medicine and the postgraduate degree in Endocrinology and Metabolic Diseases at the “Federico II” University of Naples, under the supervision of Annamaria Colao, received the PhD degree in Neuroendocrinology in Rotterdam at the Erasmus University, where he spent more than 4 years in the laboratory of Steven Lamberts and Leo Hofland.


He has been awarded by the Italian Society of Endocrinology as best young investigator in 1999, and best senior scientist in 2011, he also received the Award "Emma Borrelli" as best researcher in the field of Neuroendocrine Tumor and MEN in 2010. Dr. Ferone has been constantly involved in studies on the physiopathology and treatment of pituitary and neuroendocrine tumors, physiopathology of somatostatin and dopamine receptors in the immune and neuroendocrine systems, medical therapy of acromegaly, Cushing disease, and hypopituitarism, and is author of more than 200 articles, he presented more than 400 lectures in international and national meetings, and is author of 10 chapters of book (total impact factor 487; h-index 44).


He has been among the organizers of the XXXI Congress of Italian Endocrine Society (Genova 2005), of the First Italian Endocrine Oncology Workshop (Udine 2009) and of the First National Congress of Endocrine Oncology: from bench to bedside (Rome 2011), of the Master Up-to Date in Neuro-Onco-Endocrinology (2010 Genova); Member of the POC of the 2010 ENEA Meeting (Liege) and of the 12th International Workshop on Multiple Endocrine Neoplasia (Gubbio 2010).