Summer School of Veterinary Endocrinology 2022

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Handouts and Panel Discussions

Saturday, 18 june 2022

Dear participant of the ESVE Summer School,


The Summer School is approaching, and we can't wait to see you all together in Italy. This e-mail is only to give you two pieces of information.



You can find the handouts online. You can see them online on the page of the scientific program. To see them, you must be logged in. The handouts are in protected pdf format, you can download and print them and also commenting online.


Panel Discussions

During the Summer School, they will hold 3 “panel discussions”. The first will be on diabetes mellitus, the second on Cushing's syndrome and the third on thyroid diseases. The panel discussions will be very interactive sessions in which experts will discuss some interesting or controversial aspects of a specific topic.


We would like each of you to propose a question to discuss for each of the 3 topics. We will then choose the most interesting questions to discuss. To propose the question, you can use this Google Form.


For those who have not received previous communications, you can find them in the "news" section at this link


https: //


Best regards and see you soon!

Federico Fracassi

ESVE Summer School Scientific Committee