Summer School of Veterinary Endocrinology 2024

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Hans S. Kooistra

DVM, PhD, Dipl. ECVIM-CA (internal Medicine)

photo of the speaker

Current position

Full professor – Internal Medicine of Companion Animals

Department of Clinical Sciences, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Utrecht, The Netherlands

Head of Division of Internal Medicine of Companion Animals

Head of section of Endocrinology of Companion Animals


Education and postgraduate training

Residency (September 1, 1991-September 1, 1994) at the Department of Clinical Sciences of Companion Animals of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine (Utrecht University).

Diplomate European College of Veterinary Internal Medicine-Companion Animals (ECVIM-CA) since 1997.

In December 2000 successful (cum laude) defense of PhD thesis entitled “Adenohypophyseal function in healthy dogs and in dogs with pituitary disease”.

Course Master of ESAVS course Internal Medicine

Associate professor (2003-2018) and Full professor (2018-now) at the Department of Clinical Sciences of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine (Utrecht University).


Teaching and research activities

Basic Qualification Degree and Senior Qualification Degree in Education, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine.

Basic Qualification Degree and Senior Qualification Degree in Research, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine.

Supervisor (co-promotor or promotor) of 15 PhD students.


Honors and awards

Excellence in Veterinary Health Care Award (2016)

Senior teacher of the year of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine (2018)

Vaarkamp-award (for the teacher of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine that contributed most to the development of veterinary students towards practitioners (according to the students).


Scientific output

Author or co-author of about 200 scientific articles and 40 book chapters.