Summer School of Veterinary Endocrinology 2016

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Hotel Eurogarden (cat **** superior)


Eurogarden hotel outdoor Eurogarden hotel indoor Eurogarden hotel room example


Via dei Billi, 2/A - Bologna sud-est
I-40064 Ozzano dell’Emilia BO
Fax +39 0516521740 - Tel +39 051799163
latitude 44.44126° N, longitude 11.46394° E


Eurogarden Hotel is at 700mt from the School of Veterinary Medicine. Fitness room and studying place for evening are available for participants of the summer school. Internet WiFi access available.


Eurogarden hotel - Brain camp path Eurogarden hotel fitness room Eurogarden hotel studying room


special rate per day, including breakfast, for the attendants to the “ESVE Summer School of Veterinary Endocrinology 2016” has been negotiated:

  • Single: 45.00 euro.
  • Double: 59.00 euro.
  • Triple: 79.00 euro.

You need to purchase your lunch each day in the cafeteria of the campus or in the Self Service close to the Hotel.

A few meals will be provided by the organization during the course; most evenings you will be on your own for dinner.

Other accomodations such as Small Hotels or Agritourism are located in proximity of the Faculty. However, in this case cars are required to reach the course.